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Compliance Requirements in the Revised Standards for RTOs

Writer: Specialised VET ServicesSpecialised VET Services
The Compliance Requirements component of the revised Standards are prescriptive
The Compliance Requirements component of the revised Standards are prescriptive


Revised Standards for RTOs

The revised Standards for RTOs (SRTOs) are positioned as 'outcome-based standards' - meaning they provide a description of the required output of the RTO's activities for delivering quality VET (and achieving compliance). However, the Compliance Requirements are not considered to be 'outcomes focused'.

Let's explain...

When we talk about "the Standards", it's easy to just think about the Outcome Standards and their Performance Indicators.

However, the revised SRTOs are provided as a suite of three (3) documents. These are:

  1. Outcome Standards

  2. Compliance Requirements

  3. Credential Policy

All three documents must be understood and met from a compliance and quality standpoint.

While the Outcome Standards are not prescriptive, the Compliance Requirements are. They sit separately to the Outcome Standards and set out administrative and process-driven requirements for RTO operations as well as legislative detail as contained in the Schedules about Fit and Proper Person Requirements and the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo Conditions of Use Policy.

The Compliance Requirements set out the conditions that all RTOs must meet to obtain and maintain registration, and form one part of the revised Standards. They are prescriptive rather than outcomes-focused.

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